Frequently asked questions

Use Forgotten password option and new registration data will be provided. The procedure is described in more details in Help under "Registration"
Sorry, we cannot help you. Publisher of the SCIndeks is an aggregator, not a delivery service. Also, we don't charge our services. Please, find journal address under Journals and send a request to the publisher, or to the editorial board.
Sorry, we cannot help you. Please, find journal address under Journals and send a request to the publisher or to the editorial board.
Yes. Journals published in other Southeast European countries are listed in SCIndeks temporarily. They will be transferred to the CEON/CEES regional version of SCIndeks as soon as it is recovered.
There is no reason for this. SCIndeks is taking full care of your anonymity. By doing so you are at risk to be recognized as incorrect user.
No. The registration takes a few seconds, and services for registered users can be useful only if personalized.
Please, log in and enter My Account. Your details are available in Personal data, so you can change any of the items at any time. In such a case, all the contents of your mySCIndeks will be left intact.
We apologize for the bad quality of some abstracts in international languages. These are responsibility of the journal editors and article authors. In preparing abstracts for SCIndeks only typos and evident grammatical errors could have been corrected.
Many articles, especially in social sciences and humanity journals, are printed without a title and/or an abstract in English. These articles are normally furnished with titles and abstracts in other international languages.